History and memory
- Kasianov, Georgiy. 2013. Ukraine in Russian Historical Discourse. Problems of Research and Interpretations. Kyiv, Institute of the Hisotry of Ukraine, In cooperation with A. Smolii and O. Tolochko Ukrainian.
- Kasianov, Georgiy. 2016. History, Memory, Politics. Collected Essays. Co-edited with O. Gaidai, Institute of the History of Ukraine, Ukrainian, Russian, English.
- Kasianov, Georgiy. 2016. National Histories and Contemporary Historiography: The Challenges and the Risks of Writing a New History of Ukraine. Chapter in: S. Plokhy (ed) The Future of the Past. New Perspectives on Ukrainian History, Harvard University Press, pp. 69 – 96 (in co-operations with O. Tolochko) English.
- Kasianov, Georgiy. 2016. Historical Memory and the Politics of History: On the Problems of Terminology and Genealogy of Notions,Ukrainian Historical Journal, №2, pp. 91 – 118.
- Gaidai, Oleksandra. 2015. “Memoralization of Lenin: Legislation and Attitudes (On the Materials of Kyiv, Vinnytsia and Cherkasy Regions)”. Kyiv-Mohyla Humanities Journal. 2: 137–154.
- Gaidai, Oleksandra. 2014. “Radianske mynule v otsinkakh studentiv-istorykiv". (Soviet Past in the Evaluation of History Students) Ukrains’kyi istorichnyi zhurnal 6: 92–112.
- Gaidai, Oleksandra. 2017. “Protystoiannia navkolo mynulogo, abo pam’iatnyky Leninu v Tsentralnii Ukraini” (The Confrontation Around Past or Lenin Monuments in Central Ukraine). Ukraina Moderna.
- Gaidai, Oleksandra. Kamianyi Gist’: Pamiatnyky Leninu v Tsentral’nii Ukraini (A Guest of Stone: Lenin Monuments in Central Ukraine), Kyiv: Laurus. (accepted, in press)
- Hausmann, Guido. 2012. “Poltava 2009: Deimperializing an Imperial Site of Memory”. Harvard Ukrainian Studies. 31(1–4): 657–677.
- Hausmann, Guido, and Tanja Penter. 2014. “Der Gebrauch der Geschichte. Ukraine 2014: Ideologie vs. Historiographie”. Osteuropa, 64(9–10): 35–50.
- Kasianov, Georgiy. 2012. “The Nationalization of History in Ukraine”. In The Convolutions of Historical Politics, edited by Alexei Miller and Maria Lipman, 141-174. CEU Press: Budapest.
- Kasianov, Georgiy. “How History Goes Wrong: Historical Politics and its Outcomes”. Fieldsights-Hot Spots, Cultural Anthropology Online, 28.
- Kasianov, Georgiy. 2015. “History, Politics and Memory (Ukraine, 1990s – 2000s)”. In Memory and Change in Europe: Eastern Perspectives, edited by M. Pakier, J. Warziniak, J. Olick. Berghahn Books: New York – Oxford.
- Liebich, Andre. 2016. “The Transition in East Central Europe”. In Democratization in the 21st Century: Reviving Transitology, edited by Mohammad-Mahmoud Ould Mohamedou and Timothy D. Sisk, 80-113. London: Routledge.
- Liebich, Andre. 2015 “La Minoranza russa e la crisi ucraina”. Ponte 71, 8-9: 32-36.
- Liebich, André and Oksana Myshlovska. 2014. “Bandera Memorialization and Commemoration.” Nationalities Papers. The Journal of Nationalism and Ethnicity 42:5: 750-770..
- Myshlovska, Oksana. 2016. “Nationalising Fluid and Ambiguous Identities: Russia, Western Ukraine and Their Ukrainian and Russian Minorities, Diasporas and Compatriots Abroad”. In Linguistic Genocide or Superdiversity? Edited by Reetta Toivanen, and Janne Saarikivi, 159–194. London: Multilingual Matters.
- Myshlovska, Oksana. 2014. “Deconstructing the Ukrainian Nation-State: Myths and Realities of the Ukrainian-Russian Encounter in Independent Ukraine”. In Ideas and Identities, edited by Eisenberg, Jaci and Davide Rodogno, 171–192. Bern, Berlin, Bruxelles, Frankfurt am Main, New York, Oxford, Wien: Peter Lang.
- Portnov, Andrii. 2012. “Die jüdische Hauptstadt der Ukraine” Erinnerung und Gegenwart in Dnipropetrovs’k”. Osteuropa, 62 (10): 25–41.
- Sereda, Viktoria. 2013. “Rol’ shkil’noyi istorychnoyi osvity ta vchyteliv istoriyi u formuvanni mizhhrupovoyi tolerantnosti v Ukrayini” (Role of Secondary School History Education and History Teachers in Shaping Intergroup Tolerance in Ukraine). In Visnyk Odes’koho univrsytetu 2 (2): 25–33.
- Scheide, Carmen. 2014. “Mental Mapping of Ukraine in the Soviet Union”. National and Historical Memory: Collection of Scientific Papers 10: 146–158. (Scheide 2014)
- Scheide, Carmen and Ulrich Schmid. 2014. “The EuroMaidan in Ukraine. November 2013 till February 2014”. Editorial to Euxeinos – Online Journal of the Center for Governance and Culture in Europe University of St. Gallen. 13: 3–4.
- Sklokina, Iryna. 2015. “Veterans of the Soviet War in Afghanistan and the Ukrainian Nation-Building Project: from Perestroika to the Maidan and the War in the Donbas”. Journal of Soviet and Post-soviet Politics and Society: Double Special issue “Coming Back from Afghanistan: The Experiences of the Soviet Afghanistan Veterans” and “Martyrdom and Memory in Eastern Europe” 1–2: 133–167.
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